
Final Project | Laurel Scott

Final Project

I got lucky with my video after classes were canceled and we had to work from home. I had access to a computer still that could handle Premiere and I had shot everything before I had to return the camera so I continued with my original idea for a projection. I was interested in creating something that focused on light, layers, something like an altered state. Ideally I wanted the video to be projected onto a big wall or a really big piece of fabric in a kind of transitory space like a stairwell or hallway. As for the imagery, I was really inspired by the book Woman and Nature by Susan Griffin. She delves into history and mythology to look at how women are often portrayed as being more connected to nature, or the physical world, or the “wild.” I wish the quality was better but it has to be so small to upload.

I made the music in a program called Maschine that my boyfriend has, I've spent quite a bit of time now playing around with the software so I wanted to try it out and make something for the video. 


  1. I love the concept. Even better, I love how seamless and smooth your transitions are. I can only dream of possessing the skill to do that (I am far too impatient.) I love the way that you've connected woman and nature in such a way that they are one in the same. Wonderful work.

  2. I like the transitions and you establish a good relation between your concepts of women connecting with nature. I like the transparency of your shot to further connect those concepts.

  3. I wish I could have seen this how it was meant to be presented. Nevertheless, I really liked the concept and video! I'll admit I'm jealous of your editing skills, I have some catch up to do now. beautiful shots all smoothly blended look really great even in video format, Great job!

  4. The imagery felt like a dream with seamless transitions and misty projections.

    Without your description, I would not have known that it connected women and nature. Looking at it again after the description made it very clear.

  5. The sequence you chose and the music really resonated with me, and it left you a little curious. The layering you managed to create and get was very beautifully done. The layering made it seem abstract especially with the unfocused shots you were able to capture, and you made them so interesting. Would've loved to see it in person as it was supposed to be presented. Would you use a blanket or fabric that was handmade by a woman? Or plain or fabric that had nature elements on it?
    I also love how you have and create so much thought and meaning behind your works and they really connect with the veiwers. Overall fantastic job!

  6. Laurel, the movements of water, shifting of lights, soft colours and delicate diffuse images of a woman make a sensual piece. I really want to see your work projected in a transitory space as it was your initial idea. Although we have many constraints in this moment you made a beautiful video. Did you think about expanding your idea and video? The music that you created certainly suits the purpose very well.
    María Rivière

  7. I love the layering of images, and the music goes so well with the film. I can see this being projected on to a wall with fabric like you said. The colours are beautiful, warm and cool. Nice job!

  8. Hi, Laurel! The first two words that come to mind when watching this are ambient and ambiguous. The calm, almost formlessness nature of the objects in this work serve to remind me of the sensation of allowing your eyes to glaze over. It's like being given the time and space to mull things over.

    I appreciate the sly references to Duchamp and Munch, to seeing and being seen. I am reminded of the work of Pipilotti Rist that David showed us at the beginning of the semester. I would look up some of her installations again, as I feel like it would be cool to see this work projected onto a large, highly visible space. It'd be neat to hear your music fill a big room too.


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